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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thank goodness for Pink

     This week has been a rough one for poor little Draiman. He's been quite fussy in general because he seems to be teething, but things were a little worse for him when he started having diaper rash issues. I'm not sure what I ate that upset him (the trouble with nursing) but poor little man constant poopy diapers for a few days and let me just say it really did a number on his bottom.
     Both of my boys seem to have very sensitive skin and a few excessively poopy diapers can really do some damage to them. We used to have big problems with Gatty (before Draiman was born) and I felt so bad because no amount of Desitin seemed to help him. Desitin had always been the saving grace for the other kids in the past but it just didn't seem to cut it for Gatty. Luckily for us when discussing the situation with my Aunt Dona she told us about "the pink stuff." She couldn't exactly remember the name of it but she knew if was pink and it worked great.
     At one of Gatty's doctor visits I told the doctor about the diaper rash issue and asked him if he had any suggestions. He hesitated as he thought about for a minute and then I mentioned "the pink stuff" and he instantly knew what I was talking about. It's actually named Pinxav (pronounced Pink Salve) and the doctor said it should do the trick for us. He suggested we go to Walgreens and ask the pharmacist for it. He said it did not require a prescription but that it was usually kept back in pharmacy.
     Needless to say we went out immediately and got the stuff and let me just say that's its awesome. That stuff has worked better for my boys than anything else has. I hate to think how bad poor Draiman's bottom would've been this week without it. I mean he still got red and irritated initially but keeping that stuff on him regularly really helped to keep his bottom protected. Plus the nice thing about it is that it has a cooling sensation that helps to relieve any pain. So if you babies get bottom issues like mine then I highly suggest you go out and buy some. Trust me it's worth it.

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