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Monday, March 14, 2011

For the boys

     I love my boys. I love them so much that with each of them I have made more and more changes in my life to make things better for them. Since the first pregnancy I have cut out a lot of excess caffeine by no longer drinking caffeinated pop. Then during Gatty's pregnancy I was required to cut back on my salt intake a lot. I did it, though let me just say that I hated it and have been bad about using salt again. With Draiman's pregnancy I had issues with pre-eclampsia and had to make a lot of changes. I had to spend a lot of time resting, give up my computer for a while, avoid bright lights, etc. Each time it was frustrating but I did it.
     Now I need to figure out how to convince myself to change my lifestyle for the boys. I really need to make some big changes as far as diet and exercise are concerned. Its time to get healthy and lose all this excess weight I have gained over the last few years. I don't want to be overweight any more and I really want to be able to keep up with my boys as they get older. I want to be able to run and play with them without feeling winded or tired. Unfortunately it's not always easy to make such big changes.
    This is important to me and I truly do believe this is something that I need to do for my boys as well. Now is the time to start making these big changes. I know that it's going to be a rough road but I also know that the end results are going to be totally worth it. I anticipate that there will be struggles and set backs but I know that I must march forward. Besides, if I want them to be healthy then I really need to lead by example. So wish me luck!

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